Meet Florida Realtors Board Certified Professionals
20 Realtors earned their endorsement as “the best of the best” – a Florida Realtors Board Certified Professional. This first group was recognized at Sunday’s BOD meeting.
Use AI for Social Media Only if It Sounds Like You
Social media posts must sound sincere if you hope to generate new leads. AI can make the task easier, but only if the copy still sounds authentic.
Fla.’s July Housing: Prices Up, Inventory Improves
Florida Realtors: Higher mortgage rates still a factor; single-family home median price at $415K, 2.8 months’ supply. Condo median price at $319K, 3.6 months’ supply.
NAR: July Home Sales Dip 2.2%
In a year-to-year comparison, sales dropped 16.6% even as prices rose 1.9% to $407K – only the fourth month ever over $400K. Inventory increased 3.7%, however.
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